Food Creators

About Solution

A significant majority of disadvantaged populations from slums, tribals and sedentary rural Indian population have protein intake (mainly from cereals) of about 1 gm/kg/day. The protein intake is poor in terms of the protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS), using lysine as the first limiting amino acid, where all populations, particularly rural and tribal, appear to have an inadequate quality to their protein intake and are either subject to malnutrition or prone to .Both quality and food itself requires to be designed adequately. We have developed economical instant soups and flour made from Vigna mungo an underutilized high value cereal abundantly grown but less preferred due to its antinutritional properties. Through controlled fermentation both antinutrients and quality is enhanced several folds . The products are acceptable, economical easy to make and score very well terms of PDCASS score. We envisage that distribution of these as apart of midday meals served for underprileged in schools or free lunch homes could substantially alleviate the crisis of hunger.



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