Bebassampah.ID as National Waste Management and Collaboration Platform

About Solution

According to the research of Jenna R. Jambeck in Science Magazine, Indonesia is currently ranked as the world's second-largest plastic waste polluter in the ocean after China. Recently, the Economist Intelligence Unit ranked Indonesia as the world's second-largest food waste producer, tossing almost 300 kg of food per person annually. Long before these studies were released, on 21st February 2005, the Leuwigajah landfill, in Bandung, West Java was affected by a large slide after heavy rainfalls. A study by Franck Lavigne at Geoenvironmental Disaster identifies that tragedy as the second deadliest waste slide in history which buried 71 houses and killed 143 people.
Waste biodegradation generates a mixture of carbon dioxide and methane
the emission that contributes 25 times more to global warming than carbon dioxide. Ellen MacArthur Foundation reported that due to more than 90% of plastic produced are derived from virgin fossil feedstock, it represents 6% of global oil consumption and will account for 20% of total oil consumption and 15% of the global annual carbon budget by 2050.
Bebas Sampah (BSID) or Zero Waste Indonesia ( tries to maximize social capital in Indonesia, comprised of the grassroots movement and public participation. Since the first World Cleanup Day in 2018, Indonesia has become the country with the largest public participation in the world, with more than 7 million participants in 2018 and 9 million participants in 2019, respectively. BSID engages the public through crowdsourcing; it maps illegal dumping spots, waste assets, multistakeholder actors, and movements. BSID encourages the implementation of the circular economy by optimizing and promoting informal sectors of people who collect and process waste as the solution since there is still no adequate waste management by the government. At the same time, BSID also advocates the improvement of waste management through waste management index to assess the accountability of waste management in cities and regencies transparently.



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