Ecodistricts of green affordable houses

About Solution

Our main product is the MINDCA program, acronym for "Individual Sustainable Homes On Demand", an affordable green housing concept. It consists of a variety of standard houses with different levels of finishes and featuring sustainable solutions like clean sanitation etc.

Thanks to industrialization, homes are designed as customizable « kits » allowing speed during construction. Customer can complete the house after his specification with company’s support (style, pace, budget) on a pay as you go scheme.

This support, from design, including assistance with self-construction will also be available through a mobile application.

The house developed is EDGE compliant. EDGE, a design tool and green label set by IFC (The World Bank Group) for developing Economies, targets a minimum standard of 20% less resource intensity in energy, water and embodied energy in materials, yet the figures regarding our products are higher.

Indeed the structure, which contains lower proportion of high consuming energy materials like steel is instead made of Stabilized Earth-Blocks, made of stabilized Earth-Block, a low-carbon material with excellent thermal capacities: main input is soil, and manufacturing requires less energy and water.

Associated with the right choice of materials on roof, actually recycled-plastic roof tiles with good thermal capacities, and windows (double-glazed), and ventilation, heat is prevented from penetrating inside the house. This allows to reduce or remove the A/C and thus to lower electricity requirements, A/C being the main source of energy consumption in buldings. Devices such as Led lighting increase the savings. Renewable energy can thus be implemented with better cost-efficiency eventually and improve further energy transition.

The kit style along with the assistance provided to customers to self-build and cut costs increase affordability and thus inclusivity, with eventually a greater and sustainable impact. Moreover, the house obtained is energy-efficient with enhanced comfort and lower utilities bills.

The homes are also designed to be built in eco-districts, allowing to easily incorporate circular economy principles: recycling, waste to energy, green vegetable garden using waste as fertilizer: It’s a first step to sustainable and smart cities.



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