
About Solution

Our innovative solution called FarmCorps is a mobile platform that sources farming production contracts from agro-processing/food and beverage companies for smallholder farmers and deploystechnology for mobile identity systems, risk analysis, tokenization of funds and sustainable farm management toenable micro-finance and other confidently finance the production contracts.

A typical user-journey ofour platform is described below;

  • Smallholders organize themselves into "clusters" based on the crop they grow and their location. Our field agents or the cluster head takes all relevant data (age, gender, phone number, farm size, crops grown, last production size in tonnage, records of input-purchase etc) and puts them on our platform.
  • Food/agro-processing company use our platform to find clusters of smallholders within their value chain that can fulfill their production contracts, based on our analysis of cluster farms , and then initiatecontract with them.
  • Lenders/financiers registered on our platform offers to finance the contract for operations and farm inputs purchases (as the case may be).
  • Farmers are then connected to our network of extension agents for data-driven farm advisory service for sustainable farming production
  • Customers monitor and manage smallholders/farm via real-time data collected by field agents and sent directly to our platform and produce deliver to them after harvest. Our initiative which commenced operations in February, 2019 has already impacted over 200 farmers and their households of more than 600 people and cultivation of over 200 hectares of land. An average three-times increase in maize yield per hectare from an average of 1.5 tons/hectare to 5 tons/hectare and a doubling of their farm income per hectare for maize from $400 to $800.

We have partnership with input manufacturers (Du Pont Pioneer, Yara, Syngenta and Agra), research institutions like International Institute Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and financial instiutions to facilitate our operations and processes.



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