Flour to Feed Congolese Future, FFFCo company

About Solution

Since the year 2017, Action Sociale et d'Organisation Paysanne, ASOP Congo, has signed a partnership with Louvain Cooperation in order to support the Vulnerable Households of South Kivu, grouped in Solidarity Mutuals, MUSO, in the territory of Kabare and Walungu as part of the project. Food and Economic Security, SAE 2017-2021.

In total, we count after three years, 63 MUSO including 38 in Walungu and 25 in Kabare and expect to reach 115 MUSO before the end of the project Teganyi Jean-Esther is Animator.

Since then, ASOP remark that the beneficiaries of the activities or the members of the MUSO concerned have an age 35 and 70 years, thus excluding young YouLima.

In June 2018, ASOP Congo took the initiative to create MUSO of young people, to try to insert the dynamic YouLima in the activities. This YouLima program aims to create a successful MODEL of young agricultural and non-agricultural entrepreneurs in South-Kivu. The results of this initiative of integration of MUSO of young people show that the program YouLima now has 52 young people gathered within 4 MUSO under the initiative of the field Leader, TEGANYI Jean-Esther.

Indeed, these 52 young people identified various difficulties so that they could succeed in agricultural entrepreneurship. The most relevant one is related to the difficult flow of their products. Hence the initiative to create an agribusiness cooperative for the production, processing and marketing of cereals and legumes in Walungu for these young people of the platform.

With regard to the activities of this FFFCo company, ASOP will carry out awareness-raising messages to the 762 members of the 34 MUSOs of the Walungu axis, considered as indirect beneficiaries. The latter can also register according to their will to invest in the cultures that the company needs.



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