Imuka Access - Connect to Business Opportunities

About Solution

We are using a combination of technology and physical networking meetings to link and connect communities to business opportunities, building trust and social capital.

We have been able to establish a pilot of the District Youth Business Platforms in over 7 districts in Uganda connecting over 1,350 to various inclusive business growth opportunities. In the platforms we offer: Localized trainings on business and financial management best practices, access to authentic farm inputs for quality agricultural production, access to local and international offtakers or buyers of the local agricultural produce, access to exposure visits for experiential learning to practically perfect their skills of interest, access to local financial services providers for account opening and loan services, and access to business advisory support from local business experts and mentors for personalized support.

Our approach is catalyzingcollaborative action of entrepreneur ecosystem stakeholders to enable inclusive access of information of opportunities, financing, business development support to entrepreneurs. We are building a supportive community around the entrepreneur ensuring convenient, affordable access of business growth opportunities and support.The use of technology allows access and delivery of services across geographies, taking our successful programs and approaches to scale, delivering multiple impact.

We ensure convenient access, easy searching, instant opportunities and localized affordable access of business support entrepreneurs to thrive in business.



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