Pentti Engine

About Solution

From the primary energy that mankind is consuming, only 12% is doing the work that was wanted, such as transportation, heating spaces, or manufacturing. Most of the energy is lost already at the power plants and engines, as Low-Grade-Waste-Heat under 200°C. The energy wasted in the cooling water circuit is from 25 to 50% of the primary energy, evaporated to the atmosphere as low-grade waste heat in power plants. There are not enough cost-efficient solutions available in the market to solve this issue. Also, several renewable energy sources are currently being heavily limited by the high price of the technology available for energy conversion from heat to power. For example cheap, low-grade geothermal heat, low-heat biomass boilers, and solar collectors as well as energy storage to hot water. A cost-efficient, scalable, and energy-efficient heat engine that enables the use of hot water (instead of steam) for power production would solve the bottleneck situation for the renewable energy sources described above.

Our solution, the Pentti-Engine, is cost
and energy-efficient and scalable to high power densities, applying to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the following areas: Goal 7 ("Affordable and Clean Energy"), Goal 9 "Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure" and Goal 13 "Climate Action".



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