The VepoX Filter

About Solution

Averagely, 60% of the in Ugandans get access to safe drinking water using local water boiling methods. This has resulted into cutting down of trees for fire wood and charcoal, resulting deforestation and affecting natural rainfall patterns. The harvested wood and charcoal when used as fuel sources for boiling drinking water result into carbon emissions; the greenhouse gases.

With that being the backbone of our solution, the VepoX water filter uses a combination of bamboo activated charcoal, moringa oleifera seed extract and sand to filter and provide safe drinking water up to the world health organization (WHO) ­standards, by gravity flow without using any fuel, or energy intensive methods. As a result, more bamboo trees (to harvest for charcoal) and moringa trees (to harvest to only their seeds) are planted making the environment greener, and cleaner by trees reducing the carbon sync in the atmosphere. This kind of activity also creates job opportunities to the youth, and moringa tree farmers in Uganda, hence fighting unemployment. Therefore, when the portable units of the VepoX water filter are spontaneously acquired by the 60% population in Uganda, quick safe portable and clean drinking water will be easily affordable, drastically reducing the cutting down of trees for fire wood and charcoal required to boil drinking water reducing greenhouse gas emissions, thus addressing the global warming issue the planet suffers currently.



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