Upshore Robotics

About Solution

Upshore Robotics addresses this challenge by using an AI-enabled analytics platform and precision drone with photosynthetic sensors that detects crop disease during photosynthesis in sunlight. Our photosynthetic sensor helps African farmers detects crop disease in real time using machine learning algorithms that converts captured images from the sensor and matches them with a pool of disease types in our database, presenting the causative organism with precise accuracy. Our sensor achieves this by detecting alterations in the chlorophyll composition of the affected crops. This helps African farmers efficiently reduce food loss while boosting food production by 95%.

Our solution utilizes a messaging chatbot that enables hard-to-reach farmers connect to us inside WhatsApp. This gives us a competitive advantage because our marketing spend tends to zero giving the network effect and wide use of WhatsApp by our target market.

Our solution includes Crop Inspection, Precision Spraying, Upshore Analytics and Upshore AgroPay.

Crop Inspection: With this service, farmers can have areas of their farmland inspected within minutes using our gas-powered drones that covers 1000+ acres in a single flight. Our drone maps the crop area and records the GPS location of the affected crops.

Precision Spraying: Our smart-spraying technology identifies crop areas already mapped during inspection and sprays reagents to the affected spots. This technical innovation optimizes farmers’ crop efficiency by 90%.

Upshore Analytics: With our analytics platform, farmers get to know the Nitrogen level of their farm area, water content and mineral composition needed for maximum crop yield. This helps them appropriately apply available farm resources like water, fertilizers and seed needed to maximize their crop output.

Upshore AgroPay: We found a niche in the market to offer value added services like credit facilities and micro loans to historically underutilized farmers using efficiency metric like fruit size distribution, crop output and post-harvest value. Our mobile payment platform, Upshore AgroPay, enables farmers make seamless payments with their phone numbers while having access to micro loans and credit facilities.



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