WASP IQluster Smart Ecosystem

About Solution

Data Performance Consultancy (DPC) is a limited company who are Smart City experts specialising in improving social outcomes related to how policy is applied on existing systems (i.e. procurement) using a data driven approach. Specifically, DPC are developing a smart city platform linking core governance of a city to application design and implementation within the urban space. A key challenge DPC faces is how it can scale its workflows by introducing automated measurement of impact. Currently the workflows, identify areas in which a system can be improved, but often this linkage is done by manual intervention of staff. DPC aims to move to an automated model which requires linking data to organisational structures and processes. To enable this DPC requires specialist Natural Language Processing (NLP) expertise to build models of data and entities / processes within organisations to capture relationships, enabling knowledge based automated processing of actions. This will enable DPC to create scalable and reusable models that can link data in order to enable automated measurement of social outcomes. The first pillar of that model is to develop a smart ecosystem, enabling micro, small, large business to connect with each other and drive business intelligence to improve industrial strategy and economic growth.

Data Performance Consultancy have developed a collaborative working relationship with its partners the Hartree Centre and ValueChain. Hartree is a National Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Natural language Processing and High-Performance Computing. It is part of the UK’s Science and Technologies Facilities Council.

Valuechain Technology Ltd innovates, develops and commercialises smart manufacturing apps and supply chain intelligence solutions to improve productivity and streamline collaboration, so that multi-tier supply chains can connect and create intelligent collaborative ecosystems. BEIS has successfully piloted ValueChain’s iQluster supply chain intelligence platform to connect and digitalise manufacturing supply chains and iQluster underpins the DPC Smart City platform.

We believe this addresses the theme we are entering, as it facilitates an ability to look at different industry sectors, providing security and governance, additional scaling capabilities through application integrations and significant business intelligence for all of the stakeholders. It is non-proprietary and develops a social impact assessment that will assist in the strategic goals of cities who are looking to design inclusive growth and align itself to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.



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