Energy storage systems play an important in sustainable energy scenario due to the fact that renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are intermittent in nature. The wind does not blow all the time, nor does sun shine all the time. To attain a truly sustainable energy solution, the energy generated must be stored in a sustainable way. To address this challenge, AquaBattery is developing a clean, sustainable and safe energy storage system called as the BlueBattery which stores energy in just table salt and water. The technology is not inhibited by geographical limitations or available sites, as the technology is much more scalable (in the range of kW/kWh to MW/MWh). Furthermore, adding extra storage capacity (a larger reservoir of salt water) is relatively cheap. The Blue Battery is the first battery that omits all these environmentally-unfriendly materials, stores electricity in only water and table salt (which can be directly derived from seawater) and can be coupled with R.E. sources. Utilization of cheap and abundant raw material makes the Blue Battery scalable and economical. Thus, to attain complete sustainable energy future, AquaBattery proposes to implement BlueBattery technology coupled with solar panels.