We are on the cusp of a new economic era: one where growth is driven by the interaction between rapid technological innovation, sustainable infrastructure investment, and increased resource productivity. This is the only growth story of the 21st century. It will result in efficient, liveable cities; low-carbon, smart and resilient infrastructure; and the restoration of degraded lands while protecting valuable forests. We can have growth that is strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive. The challenge now is to accelerate the transition to a better, more inclusive, new climate economy in five key economic systems: energy, cities, food and land use, water, and industry.
We have a remarkable window of opportunity to do so now, given the major structural changes the world faces, notably rapid urbanisation, increasing globalisation, shifts to service-based economies, and increasing automation. The opportunities are great, but so too is the potential for stranded assets, stranded communities, and stranded workers. The transition to a low-carbon, resilient economy is just one part of this broader transformation, which if managed well, has the potential to deliver more equitable and prosperous growth. Ensuring an inclusive transition is essential: women, for example, will play a critical role in delivering the promise of this new growth era.
My main motivation is the health of my son, the health of my family and mine. But not only are our health affected, also around the world. Climate change affects quality of food and water, both are main issues for human being. Other motivation Also, I want my company raise awareness around the world, for this reason, I created CLIMA RENOVABLE HONDURAS, because I Know the needs of my country, I have visited almost all departments of my country, lot of people wants to work but the need better opportunities. In Honduras we need to improve renewable energies, solve the problem of garbage accumulation, collect and reuse water, generate recycling habits, encourage environmental education, generate inclusive sources of employment (people with disabilities), agriculture through renewable energy, sustainable houses, clean transport, etc. Everything related with green economy.
The Company solves the supply of water, energy and food safety through renewable sources and develop the Eco-constructions at the national level, promoting and strengthening new technologies for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, identified by different sectors of the world thanks to our struggle in mitigation and adaptation to Climate Change. Solar air dryer, solar energy in newly built homes: producing electricity on the roof, they will increase the cost of building a new home, but they will save more than $ 19,000 in energy and maintenance costs in 30 years. Also recycling projects, like houses with containers with renewable energy and houses built with “Brick Bottles”, for people of lack of resources.