Wind is a clean and readily available renewable energy resource with the potential to significantly meet the world’s ever-growing energy demands. Its benefits are endless and thanks to new technologies that are gaining momentum during the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), it is becoming an increasingly cost-effective and viable long-term green solution.
Making wind available 24/7 requires a new storage solution. Our technology does this by taking water, we prototype on salt water, and break it down to its component parts of hydrogen and oxygen. We separated the water using electromagnetic waves which work because it stretched the water bond. Hydrogen is stored in a liquid till electricity is needed then a catalyst is added and they hydrogen is processed through a hydrogen oxygen fuel cell and electricity is available.
We have talked with our potential customers and are building our technology to meet their needs. We have assembled a team of advisers and mentors whose 350 years of experience has helped us move forward. We have reached proof or principal prototype stage. We have filed our patents in USA and EU.
Our test results show an efficiency of 88.9% in our process vs 60% for electrolysis, our capital costs are half, and we are a light solution. Making its adaption to Africa, and other developing countries easier.
We presented to NASA iTech in 2018, presented to Weizmann Institute, and are presently in an engineering lab at the Azerelli College of Engineering in Jerusalem. We are on our way to its commercialisation.