With the erratic power supply in Nigeria due to low power generation, the exclusion of some villages and remote places from the national grid, the rising cost for electricity, carbon emission and noise from diesel and petrol powered generators, there’s a need for an accessible, reliable, efficient, echo friendly and cost effective source of power to lighting up every home in Nigeria.
Skymask solar Power Solution Limited provides affordable, accessible, reliable, efficient, echo friendly and cost effective pay as you go solar energy lighting solution. Our solution helps to reduce carbon emission and also help to reduce the cost on electricity bill in various homes, small and medium enterprises in Nigeria by the use of LED energy saving bulbs, energy saving fans and energy saving digital television.Our mission is to improve the standard of living of every house hold in every remote places, villages and citiesby providing accessible, reliable, echo friendly and steady power supply.
Our sales slogan which is buy now pay latter is design to provide a convenient payment solution that gives ownership to our product over a period of time and also make our products affordable andaccessible.Nigeria experiences an average of 6 hours of sunlight every day and even more in the northern part of the country. Our product converts this natural and freely available sun light into efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly power supply during the day and at night. With our product, you are guaranty a steady power supply any time of the day, and you can say good bye to black out. Many families have lost their lives in Nigeria in recent time through the fumes from diesel and petrol powered electric generator.
Our solution will create more than 200 direct and indirect jobs in the first year through sales reps and distributors, marketers, installers and technicians, and public engagement. Our solution will also reward customers with credit unit to pay off part or their entire bill for our products by participating in our marketing program.