• There are 2.5 billion people worldwide have no access to toilet.
• Open spaces, riverbanks, road and street side and the open field are some of the common places to defecate. It is also seen that the water sources are badly affected by both pit/ring and modern flush toilets.
• The sewage from the flush toilet badly affected the fragile environment. These practices not only pollute the environment but also contaminate the land and water resources leading to diseases and death.
Introduction and objectives:It's well known that Jordan is considered No.2 in the world when it comes to water scarcity & the situation is getting worse due to the Syrian crisis. ECOLOO didn’t only help them solving sanitation issue and reducing pollution but also in preserving their precious water from being flushed away and polluted.
Methodology approach:Our Biodiversity
project in Jordan together with UNDP for the UNESCO World Heritage areas – the
lost city in Petra, National Reserved Park in Dibbin and deserted areas in Wadi
rescued the sites from losing their “Heritage Title” after receiving
yellow card from UNESCO for being unsustainable where thousands of tourists
practiced open defecation polluting the protected historical area, and resulted
in increasing number of tourists i.e. up to 1 million per year and improved
sales for the micro businesses in the area operated by women selling all kinds
of commodities & souvenir items to the tourists in order to support their
families and survive and also the passive income generated to the site from the
liquid fertiliser collected
UNESCO has strict rules when it comes to what kinds of toilets that would be accepted in such areas. ECOLOO was the only solution that met the criteria and we were awarded the first contract by end of 2015 to supply 10 units, and a similar contract by end of 2016 for UNESCO World Heritage Sites with very satisfactory results fully paid by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Jordan.
Our toilets serve roughly around 1200 visitors/day producing some 20 litres of concentrated liquid fertilizer/unit/day. Some units are installed on very high latitude (600 and 1200 steps above the ground).
Other installations completed include South East Asia Games 2017 in Malaysia, schools and public events in Kenya, municipalities in Borneo, festivals in Portugal, factories in Mongolia and Korea, off grid housing for disaster areas in Malaysia and the Philippines, UNHRD & WFP in Malaysia and many more. Over 2000 ECOLOO facilities were installed at different locations in 21 countries around the world at UNESCO World Heritage Sites, schools, Islands, factories, tiny homes, offices, festivals, events (rental) municipalities, public areas and more!
About ECOLOO Technology:ECOLOO is a stand-alone, decentralized toilet system that is affordable, ergonomic, biological, comfortable, ecological, hygienic, multi-functional and practical. ECOLOO is odor-free, sewage-free, water-free and energy-free on-site waste treatment toilet system that employs biologic processes to create a natural fertilizer. Water can still be used for hygiene purposes only.
ECOLOO comes in various designs and shapes (squatting, sitting, handicapped friendly) to fit all purposes and is functional in both hot and cold climates and can be located indoor, outdoor, inside houses or buildings in rural or urban areas.
ECOLOO is ideal for islands, national parks, high altitudes or areas where there is no access to IST/STP.
Analysis and Results:• As per survey, a person living in an open defecation or pit latrine area, unknowingly consumes 10 grams of fecal content every day because of the water sources that are badly affected by those practices. This is causing 80% of diseases like Dysentery, Typhoid, Polio, Cholera, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E, Gastroenteritis, Cysticercoids, Diarrhea, Ascariasis, Trachoma and others. One gram of human feces contains 10,000,000 Viruses, 1,000,000 Bacteria, 1,000 Parasite cysts, 100 Parasite eggs. That’s why people are not able to come out of the poverty cycle!
• By using ECOLOO, hygiene is ensured, clean water is saved from being flushed, sewage is eliminated, underground water will not be contaminated, waterborne diseases/death are reduced, gray water can be treated/purified, organic fertilizer can be generated for free, organic farming can benefit from the fertilizer, land soil will not be contaminated by chemical fertilizer and food security is ensured. With ECOLOO, we could prevent pollution/contamination of water, improve sanitation, save millions of dollars on IST/STP construction and sewage treatment/transportation.
• ECOLOO requires no energy, solar power can be applied and wind turbine fan can be used for ventilation.
• ECOLOO consumes minimal water for hygiene/cleaning only and saves minimum 8 liters of clean water from being flushed per visit or 120 liters of water per hour per toilet assuming 15 people are using ECOLOO.
Conclusions and recommendations• “Prevention is better than Cure!”
We have to protect our water resources by preventing water to be flushed/mixed with waste in order to achieve some of the most crucial SDGs. Flush toilet is the worst invention of all times according to WASH experts, creating diseases killing people. This flowchart explains how: www.ecoloo.eu/images/prevention.jpeg
• ECOLOO provides sustainable sanitation solutions that are totally enclosed system (preventing pollution and contamination), waterless (preventing sewage generation and environmental contamination)
Related Links:Brochure: http://www.ecoloo.eu/pdf/ECOLOO_Brochure.pdf
Frequently Asked Questions: http://www.ecoloo.eu/faq.html
Biodiversity project in Jordan: http://www.jordantimes.com/news/local/project-aims-promote-biodiversity-conservation-tourism-sector
Competitive Advantages: http://www.ecoloo.eu/pdf/ECOLOO-Competitive-Advantages.pdf