The challenge is the great public health and environmental problem caused by badly discarded tires, as well as the other great pollutant, plastics. We are currently using crushed tires to make floors on site, 50 x 50 cm tiles, vehicle tops, bricks and paving stones for vehicular roads or ecological trails and sports trails, floors in recreational areas for children. We are designing and we are going to build a reactor equipment so that through pyrolysis and refining we can transform used tires, used plastics and organic waste into synthetic fuels, such as gas, gasoline and / or diesel, suitable for power generation, heating, cooking , vehicles, etc. The equipment we design can be used anywhere in the world, because it is lightweight, mounted on a platform with tires, portable that can be moved to different regions and topographies of the world, near the sites where garbage is generated, or deposits, for that are processed on site. This team will have the capacity to operate from 1 to 5 tons an hour, to solve the problem of waste produced in small communities. For communities with a greater amount of waste, the amount of waste can be used online. equipment that requires, making a development in modules, that allow to operate in the same conditions and if the case requires a repair, do not stop the online operation completely. These equipment will require maintenance that our company will provide and produce the same synthetic fuel according to the indicated variables. We are in the registry of our brand of fuel that is obtained from these equipment, in order to establish a control and monitoring of the product.